INESING S.P.A in JV with its strategic partner GAT D.o.o signed a contract for No. 3 Mobile
Substations 35/11kV 8MVA (two trailer solutions each one) with EuropeAid
Ext. Action amounting to 1.8 million euros.
The European Union combines different types of support to countries in need. It provides
funding in the form of grants to support projects and organizations furthering its development objectives.
It also offers public contracts and provides budget and sector support.
With non-refundable aids over the past 15 years, The European Union is by far the biggest donor of
non-refundable assistance to Serbia. Also, Serbia is the largest recipient of EU donations in the
Western Balkans and one of the largest in the world.
With current and additional donation EuropeAid will help Serbian Utility EPS to improve the distribution
of electricity for the reaction in the case of emergency situation in the Republic of Serbia.
Our Company has chosen the high technology products made by main international leaders in the manufacture
of HV/MV equipment.